Friday, March 9, 2012

John Green's "The Fault in our Stars" review

I just finished The fault in our stars, and WOW what a beautiful book about life, love and loss. The story is about a 16 year old girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster, who has been sickened with thyroid cancer. Her loving parents want her to get out and meet new people and not get stuck inside herself. They make her attend a church support group to talk and listen to others with cancer. There she meets Augustus Waters who lost his leg to cancer. He brings new life to Hazel and love. They go on a journey to find answers to Hazel's most wanted question, how does An Imperial Affliction by Dutch author Peter Van Houten end? I really enjoyed getting to know these two characters and I think you should too. It's such a wonderful, emotional story, with some added humor. I see a movie in its future. 

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